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GOALS FOR '20 -'21

With the switch to remote instruction during the pandemic, our team has encountered several surprising opportunities, as faculty and admin alike are more open to embracing critical digital pedagogies and assignments. While many of the goal listed below reflect our usual aims, some also account for COVID-specific changes. 

Increase ePortfolio Use in Online Instruction

As we consider the changing nature of higher ed, especially following COVID-19, we are ideally situated to offer this high impact practice as a useful tool for effective online instruction.

Design Targeted Support for eP Programs

Integrating  ePortfolio Support into emerging programs such as Innovate Monarchs will support their work incorporating compelling digital assignments and experiences.. 

Initiate XR as HIP Discussions and Training

Looking ahead to emerging practices, we can offer workshops and webinars discussing why XR has the potential to be the next HIP as well as low stakes ways to incorporate this technology into a course as a means of increasing learning and retention.

Continue to Increase Internal/External Collaboration

The ePortfolio and Digital Initiatives works best in tandem with other teams, informing and supporting joint efforts.

Examine the Efficacy of Our Strategies

In order to move forward, we must also ensure our practices we've designed are in fact effective. In particular, we need to identify potential gaps in access, so that all ODU students might benefit from what the team offers. 

Map the Longitudinal Impact of eP3 and eP Use

This is an on-going goal, but with our work with adding the ERPT designation to courses and efforts to quantify eP3's impact over the last five years, we should start to have a more comprehensive view of how ePortfolios are being used within the institution.

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