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GOALS FOR '21 -'22

Below you will find the goals for the ePortfolio and Digital Initiatives team for AY '21-'22. Many of these goals echo and continue previous years' aims; they also reflect the growth of our efforts. We are already off and running on many of these goals, with a remarkable surge in colleagues seeking us out and inviting us to take part in major projects and initiatives. 

Grow the HIP XR Initiative

Following the positive reception of our first HIP-XR workshop series and subsequent mini-grants, we would like to continue to expand the support for the initiative. For instance, in addition to the initial workshop, we might offer smaller sessions focusing on commercial tools, such as "Working with BlippAR."  Finally, we will continue to foster collaboration with ODU XR partners, identifying XR use on campus and working with colleagues on related grants that are in the works. 

Grow Support for Programs/Grants/Projects

Integrating ePortfolio and XR Support into emerging programs and grants will help their efforts at incorporating compelling digital assignments and experiences. We've seen a dramatic increases in folks' seeking our services, particularly within graduate studies. Likewise, we've been tapped for new initiatives (such as themester, the Cyber NSF grant, so on) and potential projects (I've been drawn into one of the top QEP proposals for instance). 

Re-Establish the ePortfolio Studio Space

During our emergency remote period, we were informed that the library space our team had recently overseen and renovated would be needed for a newly create unit: The Academic Resource Center. As the entire ePortfolio team returns to in-person work, it is necessary to repair and shape the new-to-us space in the Academic Success Center we will soon occupy. It is a former conference room with windows, so our team is looking forward to some natural lighting! It will take time, elbow grease, and creative budgeting.

Increase Internal/External Collaboration

The ePortfolio and Digital Initiatives works best in tandem with other teams, informing and supporting joint efforts. This is a highly collaborative team, constantly developing and coordinating with other programs. As mentioned above, we've also seen a rise in new and old partners approaching us either to deepen previous efforts of establish new ones. 

Share Work Via Presentations & Publications

Every year this is a goal for our team. We're very active on the conference circuits, generating a real name for the ODU ePortfolio team within related fields. While we draw on our colleagues' work, our own strategies have not gone unnoticed. As we help other institutions think through their own implementation efforts, we would like to publish more regarding our work, so that we might stake a more visible and lasting claim to our innovations and best practices. We're already off to a good start, with two short articles in the works for AEPR. 

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