Director, ePortfolios & Digital Initiatives
This year has seen a steady rise in demand of our team's services, expertise, and labor. Both the pandemic and emerging technologies, such as the rise of widely available generative tools, has resulted in an exigency in which higher education must reckon with entrenched notions of pedagogy, literacies, composition, technology, and authorship. Unsurprisingly to those of us in the field, with its emphasis on scaffolded process, active learning, reflection, media and identity, ePortfolio practice is likely to be a major activity as faculty reconsider how best to engage learners and prepare them for a rapidly changing digital landscape. This past year has set us up well to be at least one answer to these concerns, as we are now armed with ODU specific data on ePortfolios' impact in various case studies, have moved into a larger and more accessible tutoring space, and have partnered with key initiatives at the institution, such as the QEP, to increase faculty buy-in and better support learners across the board.
Faculty Development & Impact

Revamped and facilitate three day eP3 Workshop
Developed and implement new materials for Pursue Truth QEP
Collaborated with Assessment to produce compelling data about Comm Online (anticipating Nursing data)
Supported the Laura Bush 21st Century Program grant (Library)
Moved ePortfolio Studio back to Learning Commons 1313
Participated in CDS's Day of Teaching:
Fostering Integrative Learning for Academic Success: Fundamentals of Effective ePortfolio Practice
Participated as a speaker in Monday Meet-Up Series: Listening to Students​
Collaborated with Summer Markham (Design student) to produce new logos)
Continued growth in eP Competition participation
Continued support for GRISE program
Participated in multiple podcasts, showcasing our work and scholarship:
Published chapter in Graduate Students at Work​
Additional Duties
External & Internal
- Co-facilitated an ePortfolio Workshop for Castleton University with Helen Chen
- Facilitated an ePortfolio Workshop for Richmond University
- Continued as co-chair AAEEBL Digital Ethics Taskforce​
- Launched the National ePortfolio Mapping Project
- Served on the AAEEBL Annual Meeting Planning Committee
- Served on NCTE Public Language Committee
- Served on ​multiple search committees, including the Executive Director for Internships and Co-Ops
- Managed the development of the grant-funded Our Own Spaces: Virtual Queer History Tour
Professional Development
National & International
ePortfolios Australia 2022 ePortfolio Forum: Consideration of digital ethics in using ePortfolios by AAEEBL Task Force Year 3: Supporting ePortfolio users and encouraging sustainable practices ​
GSOLE Webinar: Considering Digital Ethics in Post-Pandemic Pedagogy and Curricula
POD: Making Space to Reimagine Ourselves: The Potentials of Educator ePortfolios
AAC&U 2023 Annual Meeting
AAC&U’s Forum on Open Learning and ePortfolios 2023 ​
GSOLE Con 2023: Digital Literacy Includes Your Data: Helping Students, Educators, and Administrators Teach with Data Responsibility in Mind
CCCC Workshop: The Labor of ePortfolios: Demanding Equitable and Ethical Practices
Space & Resources
While located in SSC 2010, the space limited in-person tutoring
Looking forward, we are in an era of rapid growth, but our team has not expanded
New initiatives, departments, and grants continually draw on our team's support and expertise, but that increasing labor is not rewarded.
Growing interest from graduate programs, yet we do not receive support from the Graduate College at this time.

Individual Appointments
Summer: 81
Fall: 367
Spring: 336

Student Support
Fall: 55 (922 Students)
Spring: 33 (627 Students)

Faculty/Admin/Peer Training
eP3: 18
QEP: 24
CFD: 15