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GOALS FOR '23-'24

Below you will find the goals for the ePortfolio and Digital Initiatives team for AY '23-'24. Many of these goals echo and continue previous years' aims; they also reflect the growth of our efforts. We are already off and running on many of these goals, with a remarkable surge in colleagues seeking us out and inviting us to take part in major projects and initiatives. 

Map ePortfolio Impact at ODU

We seek to add to the vital information gained from analyzing the impact of ePortfolios within Online Communication courses. Currently, we are examining data from the School of Nursing's long-standing and sophisticated implementation efforts. After, we hope to look towards foundational writing courses. In this way, we can examine how a variety of students respond to portfolio interventions as well as consider how different styles of implementation might affect their experiences.

Establish ePortfolio Studio as Library Partner

Now that the ePortfolio Studio has returned to the Perry Library Learning Commons, we want to make sure we are active and collaborative partners to that community. We are excited to build relationships with the new leadership of the LC, hoping to be a vital part in their visions for the space. Furthermore, we will work on communicating to the campus our near location, ensuring students know where to locate us.

Support New ePortfolio Cohorts

In Spring 2023, we ran another eP3 workshop, as well as facilitates the portfolio portions of the QEP pilot workshop. This means that we have about 40 faculty engaging in new implementation efforts this coming year. We will likely have another QEP cohort in Fall, as well as a number of new departments. As such, much of my time and effort will be committed to helping them design and support effective ePortfolio activities. 

Continue Internal/External Collaborations

The ePortfolio and Digital Initiatives works best in tandem with other teams, informing and supporting joint efforts. This is a highly collaborative team, constantly developing and coordinating with other programs. As mentioned above, we've also seen a rise in new and old partners approaching us either to deepen previous efforts of establish new ones. In particular, there may be an opportunity to work with the new Monarch Internship and Co-op office as they develop their initiative. Furthermore, we will continue our support for Communication program with eP4, a workshop designed for established portfolio practitioners.

Generate & Share Research

Every year our team is very active on the conference circuits, representing ODU's ePortfolio efforts widely.  In particular, I am Co-PI on a project that maps ePortfolio-related practices and labor across higher ed in North America. This coming year, we will be interviewing ePortfolio practitioners. In the end, our aim is to produce a descriptive report of the ePortfolio field. Furthermore, I will be continuing efforts to increase awareness of the AAEEBL's Digital Ethics in ePortfolios Principles, via webinars, workshops, and podcasts.

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